How to optimize your SEO on YouTube?


How to optimize your SEO on YouTube?

In the world of content creators on YouTube, competition is fierce: each day, the number of videos published is increasing in number, all themes combined ... How to stand out from the crowd and succeed in appearing at the top of the results of research conducted by the users? What are the levers to boost your visibility on YouTube? As with Google SEO, there are good practices that will help you make a difference.

The number of views, a determining factor

Just as Google readily values the sites with the most visits, considered more interesting for users, YouTube tends to give more visibility to content with more views.

Thus, when performing a search, we generally observe that the first results offered are videos with a fairly large number of views and that this decreases as the page is scrolled.

However, this criterion is not sufficient in itself: sometimes less popular videos manage to outpace content that accumulates more views.

To increase your click-through rate and encourage Internet users to come and see your video, choose the most attractive title possible, take care of your thumbnail and adapt the form of your content to what your target is looking for (vlogs, recipes, tutorials, advice videos, facing the camera, etc.).

The presence of keywords in the different fields

Like a web page, your YouTube video includes a title, but also keywords (tags) that you can choose and even a description. It is essential to include potentially competitive words, those that Internet users will type in the search engine.

For example, if you have filmed a comparison between two smartphone models, the references of the two phones must be inserted in the title, and description, along with other relevant terms such as "comparison” "test", etc.

Attendance of spectators

YouTube is very interested in the user experience: when someone watches an entire video that implies that they buy into the content that they like, and that it meets their expectations. Conversely, if he leaves the page before having finished viewing, the algorithm readily considers the video as less relevant, and reference it less easily.

Longer videos tend to rank better, also because this allows YouTube to add more ads and therefore generate more revenue. Be careful, however, not to delusively lengthen your video to the detriment of quality.

Many YouTubers voluntarily position themselves for a duration greater than 20 minutes to earn money through advertising and optimize their SEO. But when they “fill” the minutes with uninteresting content, users quickly realize it, desert the page - and help increase an unprofitable bounce rate.

User engagement

As on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, YouTube content that generates the most reactions is valued more. Here, we are talking about engagement when the viewer "Likes" the video (by putting a "blue thumb"), when he subscribes, when he visits the channel to see other videos or writes a comment.

As a content creator, you should therefore not hesitate to encourage your community to react. Also, take the time to respond to comments, it will make them want to leave more often and these practices will be rewarding for your SEO. For best SEO services in Lahore contact Pak Marketing Point.

Finally, if your YouTube video has been integrated into other sites (backlinks), if it is promoted on social networks and people are talking about you everywhere on the web, you are also more likely to be better referenced. On the platform.


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