In principle, repairs are the landlord's responsibility, and the tenant only has to tolerate them. However, if the landlord has agreed on a minor repairs clause in the lease, the tenant is liable to a limited extent for minor damage even through no fault of his own. A so-called minor repair clause is only validly agreed if it meets the following five requirements: The maximum amount per minor repair is indicated. The district court considered a maximum amount of 110 $ to be appropriate. Other dishes are less generous. With 85 $, landlords are on the safe side. The maximum annual amount for all minor repairs is specified and amounts to 8% of the annual net rent. The clause is limited to those parts of the apartment exposed to frequent access by the tenant. The tenant is only obliged to pay, not to carry out the repair work. The tenant is not obliged to bear the proportional costs if the repair costs are above the agreed amount. Rent deposit and r...