Diabetes mellitus is an
endocrine-type disease in which there is a chronic increase in blood glucose
levels due to a relative or absolute lack of insulin. The consequences of the
disease can lead to metabolic disorders, destruction of blood vessels, nervous
system and other organs. The giandliverconsultants provide the best
Here you can choose a doctor who
treats diabetes If you are unsure of the diagnosis, make an appointment with a
physician or general practitioner to clarify the diagnosis.
Depending on the complexity of the disease,
there are several types of diabetes:
Insulin diabetes mellitus or type
1 diabetes is most common in children and young adults. A person is addicted to
insulin and has to inject it regularly, otherwise he may die.
Type 2 diabetes or non-insulin
dependent diabetes occurs in men and women over the age of 40 who are
overweight. This type of disease is the most common among the population and
occurs in 85% of cases.
Symptomatic or secondary diabetes
mellitus - occurs as a consequence of a certain disease, is quite rare.
Gestational diabetes - a
condition that occurs in pregnant women due to high blood sugar, often
disappears after childbirth.
Diabetes mellitus, which occurs
against the background of poor and irrational nutrition.
Latent diabetes or latent
diabetes is a disease that occurs without any characteristic symptoms. This
form is dangerous because if not diagnosed in time, it can turn into type 2
diabetes. According to data, half of patients with this diagnosis develop type
2 diabetes. With proper diagnosis, the disease is easily treated.
At the diagnosis of diabetes
mellitus type 2 in the body there is a relative deficiency of insulin. The
pancreas produces a sufficient level of insulin, but the surface of the cells
lacks certain structures that ensure its contact with the cell and enter the
bloodstream. Due to the lack of glucose in the blood there is a signal for
increased insulin production, but this does not help and there is a deficiency
in cells.
Lactic acidosis can be a dangerous
consequence of diabetes. This is an acute condition that develops against the
background of accumulation of lactic acid in the body. It occurs due to
improper treatment of diabetes or latent diabetes. Lactic acidosis puts a
person in a coma and is a direct threat to human life.
Causes of diabetes
Diabetes mellitus type I is still
a disease with an unknown cause. It is known that the leading role in the
course of the disease is played by the destruction of pancreatic cells that
secrete insulin - β-cells of the islets of Langerhans - the body's immune
system. As a result of this process, an absolute deficiency of insulin develops
in the body and there is a need for its artificial replacement. Because of
this, type 1 diabetes is also called insulin-dependent diabetes.
If insulin-dependent diabetes
does not detect antibodies to insulin in the human body, the mechanism of the
disease is called idiopathic, ie not established.
Genetic predisposition;
intrauterine viral infections,
viral infections in adolescents such as rubella, measles, chickenpox, etc .
feeding infants nutritious
mixtures based on cow's milk or containing gluten;
consumption of products with an
excess of nitro-containing dyes and preservatives.
Type II diabetes is the result of
overeating and overweight, and this form of diabetes develops not only in
apparent obesity, but also in latent - abdominal, when adipose tissue is
concentrated in the abdomen and surrounds the internal organs.
Factors leading to type 2
unhealthy diet rich in sweets and
lack or deficiency of physical
overweight and obesity;
impaired glucose tolerance.
Gestational diabetes refers to
any disorders of carbohydrate metabolism in the body, first detected during
pregnancy. At normally current pregnancy increase in speed of utilization of
glucose caused by the fact that glucose is absorbed not only by cells of the
woman, but also by a fruit is observed. Also normal in pregnant women is the
development of minor insulin resistance - reduced cell sensitivity to insulin.
Significant insulin resistance and blood glucose levels above 7.8 mmol / l are
signs of GSD.
Risk factors leading to the development of gestational diabetes
overweight and obesity;
weight gain of more than 10 kg after 18 years;
impaired glucose tolerance;
glucosuria (sugar in the urine) during a given
or previous pregnancy;
hydramnios and / or birth of a child weighing
more than 4500 g or a history of stillbirth;
rapid weight gain during the current pregnancy;
the age of the pregnant woman is more than 30
the presence of diabetes mellitus-2 in close
Symptoms of diabetes
The onset of type 1 diabetes
mellitus, ie its symptoms, is characterized by the rapid development of adverse
symptoms with ketoacidosis (shift of acid-base balance in the acidic side due
to excessive amounts of ketone bodies) or even diabetic coma.
Dry mouth and throat, severe thirst, polyuria
(increased urine output);
increased appetite, accompanied by weight loss;
itchy skin with increased susceptibility to skin
and other infections (boils, nail and skin fungus, tuberculosis, pneumonia);
reduction of sexual desire and potency;
decreased visual acuity;
increasing phenomena of damage to the mucous
membranes of the mouth and tooth tissues (caries, gingivitis, stomatitis,
periodontitis, etc.);
The increase in hyperglycemia is
accompanied by dry skin and mucous membranes, redness of the cheeks, forehead
and chin.
Complications of insufficient or
completely uncompensated type 1 diabetes are
trophic ulcers of the lower extremities;
development of osteoporosis and diabetic
occurrence of diabetic neuropathy;
diabetic retinopathy;
impaired fertility (ability to conceive and give
birth) in young women;
impaired mental and physical development in
children with diabetes mellitus-1 (Moriac syndrome);
Coronary heart disease and
myocardial infarction, which cause the death of more than 50% of patients with
diabetes mellitus-1.
The most unfavorable
complications of type 1 diabetes are diabetic coma (ketoacidotic, lactic
acidotic and hyperosmolar).
Non-insulin dependent diabetes
It is characterized by a fairly
long period of asymptomatic disease. The first signs of type 2 diabetes appear
gradually. The patient is concerned about the same symptoms as in diabetes
mellitus-1, but less pronounced: dry mouth, thirst, itchy skin, leg pain, skin
and mucous membrane infections. Also, hypertension, visual disturbances,
various neuropathies and erectile dysfunction are often noted.
Gestational diabetes
Does not have any specific
manifestations that would suggest its presence without laboratory diagnosis.
Therefore, all pregnant women, regardless of previous pregnancies, undergo a
laboratory test to determine glucose levels without and with exercise.
With the development of diabetes
there are complications that affect almost all organs and systems. The disease
affects the skin, kidneys, blood vessels, nervous system. The patient suffers
from chronic muscle pain. In severe forms of diabetes may be loss of
consciousness, failure of some organs, coma.
Diagnosis of diabetes
Several methods are used in the
diagnosis of diabetes. First of all it is necessary to pass the analysis of
blood for glucose content, it seems on an empty stomach, a blood sample is
taken from a finger. Glucose tolerance test method is used. The patient takes
fasting glucose dissolved in water, then determine the level of glucose in the
blood. You can find and register these and other studies on our website in the
Analyzes section .
To confirm the diagnosis of
diabetes use urine tests for glucose and ketone bodies. If ketone bodies are
detected, then the patient is ill. Glycosylated hemoglobin is determined: at
elevated levels of this substance, the diagnosis of diabetes is confirmed.
Another method of diagnosing diabetes is to determine the level of insulin and
C-peptide in the blood. In the first type of diabetes, the level of insulin and
C-peptide is much lower than normal, in type 2 values may be within normal
Treatment of diabetes
Diabetes treatment remains an open question for physicians today. The giandliverconsultants provide the best liver consultants in USA. The disease is dangerous because it has irreversible effects on other organs. Type 2 diabetes can be minimized by maintaining a healthy diet. By eating right and following an active lifestyle, a person is able to recover from type 2 diabetes. However, this lifestyle should be permanent to eliminate the possibility of recurrence.
How to treat diabetes? According
to endocrinologists, type 1 diabetes and complex type 2 diabetes cannot be
completely cured. Constant intake of drugs that maintain the required level of
insulin in the blood will help avoid complications in other body systems.
Special drugs and devices have been developed to control blood glucose levels.
With type 1 diabetes, you need to constantly inject insulin into the blood, as
coma can occur and the person dies. Treatment in this case lasts a lifetime.
Methods of treating diabetes may
include surgery to implant an artificial pancreas. This is a special device
that analyzes blood sugar levels and releases the required amount of insulin
into the blood. This method has achieved some success, but has a number of side
effects on the body. Doctors have not yet been able to replace natural insulin
with an artificial sample that would suit every patient.
Diet for diabetes
The main point in the treatment
of diabetes is to maintain a proper diet. Foods for diabetes should be strictly
limited in calories and sugar content. At home, it is impossible to calculate
the correct rate of food for each day, so nutritionists have introduced a
conventional unit of measurement - a unit of bread. It shows the amount of
carbohydrates contained in the product. The higher this figure, the more
dangerous the product for the patient.
Diet for diabetes should include
vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, lettuce, green peas, tomatoes and
cucumbers - to speed up the feeling of satiety. To support the work of the
liver suffering from diabetes, it is necessary to include in the diet foods
rich in lipotropic factors (soy, oatmeal, cheese), limit fatty meat and fish
broths, fried foods. It is forbidden to eat the following products: sweets,
chocolate, pastries, sweets, salty, spicy, spicy and smoked snacks, fats of
animal origin, alcoholic and sweet drinks, sweet fruits and dried fruits.
Prevention of diabetes
Prevention of diabetes does not
help with all forms of the disease. In many cases, type 1 diabetes is
unavoidable because it is inherited. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented and
completely cured with proper treatment and nutrition. Measures to prevent type
2 diabetes primarily include maintaining a normal weight, as obesity is the
leading cause of the disease. Normal blood pressure and lipid metabolism should
be monitored. Exercise regularly, excluding fatigue. Nutrition should be
regular, fractional, contain the optimal amount of nutrients and vitamins.
Dr Q Khan is the best Nephrology Physician in Riverside.
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